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Grassroots Rebellion Against the Space Saucers (GRASS)

Have you been abducted and probed by mysterious gray creatures? Do you have an unknown object in your body? Have you picked up a strange signal resembling a countdown? Has something graffitied your garden and crushed your rose bushes? Do you have the feeling that they're everywhere and that the government is doing nothing, or even hiding the truth?

Have you been bred on V, X-Files, Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, Invasion Los Angeles, Contact and Men in Black?

This team playbook is for you!

Supplement of 9 pages: 2 pages for the playbook, 3 pages of rules ands tips. With handouts

A Team Playbook by Qui Revient de Loin (2024), CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Team Playbook GRASS v2 English.pdf 11 MB
Blank Polaroids.zip 17 MB
Polaroids GRASS.zip 17 MB

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